Defence Force Discipline Appeal Tribunal decisions can be searched on the Federal Court website by selecting 'Defence Force Discipline Appeal Tribunal' under 'Court'.
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Hoffman v Chief of Army [2003] ADFDAT 4
DEFENCE AND WAR - conviction for Territory offence of common assault - whether Defence Force Magistrate had jurisdiction to try charge - whether importation of general Territory offences into defence specific legislation constitutionally valid - service offence constituted by same alleged facts - service offence outside limitation period -…
Stuart v Chief of Army [2003] ADFDAT 3
CRIMINAL PROCEDURE - whether charge duplicitous - whether substantial miscarriage of justice; CRIMINAL PROCEDURE - failure to provide adequate particulars - whether substantial miscarriage of justice; DEFENCE AND WAR - Defence Force - service offence - breach of general order - whether provision intended to be obeyed - whether provision applied to …
Mocicka v Chief of Army [2003] ADFDAT 1
DEFENCE AND WAR - Defence Force - service offences - conduct likely to bring discredit on the Defence Force - whether likelihood of conduct coming to attention of public essential
Coleman v Chief of Army [2003] ADFDAT 2
CRIMINAL LAW - theft- appellant's property in possession of police after search and seizure - whether "property belonging to another person"; CRIMINAL LAW - plea of guilty - circumstances in which conviction may be set aside