Defence Force Discipline Appeal Tribunal decisions can be searched on the Federal Court website by selecting 'Defence Force Discipline Appeal Tribunal' under 'Court'.
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Hodge v Chief of Navy [2015] ADFDAT 4
DEFENCE FORCE - discipline - appeals against conviction - conviction arising out of receipt of rental allowance - obtaining financial advantage by deception - whether Defence Force Magistrate failed to consider appellant's intention in concluding that selection of "not sharing" option in online application for rental allowance was "false and hence …
Jesser v Chief of Air Force [2015] ADFDAT 3
DEFENCE - conviction relating to threat to inflict grievous bodily harm under s 31 of the Crimes Act 1900 (ACT) (the Act) - whether open to conclude beyond reasonable doubt that appellant guilty of charge on which she was convicted - where threat spoken by appellant to her treating doctor during medical consultation and in respect of appellant's…
Jordan v Chief of Air Force [2015] ADFDAT 2
DEFENCE - conviction relating to receipt of rental allowance - whether appellant guilty of the charge on which he was convicted - consideration of proper construction of the offence of "obtaining a financial advantage" under s 135.2(1) of the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth) - whether physical and fault elements must exist contemporaneously - whether…
Thompson v Chief of Navy [2015] ADFDAT 1
DEFENCE - whether convictions recorded following pleas of guilty should be quashed - whether plea bargain based on incorrect construction of the Defence Force Discipline Act 1982 (Cth) resulted in miscarriage of justice