Defence Force Discipline Appeal Tribunal decisions can be searched on the Federal Court website by selecting 'Defence Force Discipline Appeal Tribunal' under 'Court'.
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Betts v Chief of Army [2018] ADFDAT 2
DEFENCE AND WAR - appeal from a decision of a Defence Force Magistrate ("DFM") - where the appellant was found guilty of four counts of obtaining a financial advantage contrary to s 61(3) of the Defence Force Discipline Act 1982 (Cth) and s 135.2(1) of the Criminal Code (Cth) by way of an overpayment of rental allowance, knowing or believing that…
Randall v Chief of Army [2018] ADFDAT 3
DEFENCE AND WAR – application for extension of time to appeal – application for leave to appeal against convictions by Restricted Court Martial – unauthorised access to restricted data – Defence Force Discipline Act 1982 (Cth) s 61(3), Criminal Code (Cth) s 478.1 – related alternative prejudicial conduct charges – Defence Force Discipline Act 1982 …
Herbert v Chief of Air Force [2018] ADFDAT 1
DEFENCE – appeal from a decision of a Defence Force Magistrate (“DFM”) – where the DFM found the appellant guilty of one count of obtaining a financial advantage contrary to s 61(3) of the Defence Force Discipline Act 1982 (Cth) and s 135.2(1) of the Criminal Code (Cth) by way of an overpayment of rental allowance knowing or believing that he was…