Defence Force Discipline Appeal Tribunal decisions can be searched on the Federal Court website by selecting 'Defence Force Discipline Appeal Tribunal' under 'Court'.
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Poulton v Chief of Navy [2023] ADFDAT 1
DEFENCE AND WAR – appeal against conviction by Defence Force Magistrate (DFM) – where the appellant found guilty of committing an act of indecency without consent – where complainant alleged defendant entered her bed without consent and committed acts of sexual nature – whether conviction unreasonable, or cannot be supported, having regard to the…
Kearns v Chief of Army [2022] ADFDAT 3
DEFENCE AND WAR - appeal from a Defence Force Magistrate (DFM) - where the appellant was found guilty of assaulting a subordinate - Defence Force Discipline Act 1982 (Cth) (DFDA), s 34 - and of conduct prejudicial to the discipline of the Defence Force under DFDA, s 60 - Defence Force Discipline Appeals Act 1955 (Cth), ss 20, 23 (Appeals Act) -…
- Kantibye v Chief of Army [2022] ADFDAT 2
Kantibye v Chief of Army (No 2) [2022] ADFDAT 4
DEFENCE AND WAR - appeal against conviction by Defence Force Magistrate (DFM) - where appellant gave evidence at trial - where DFM gave self Liberato direction - formulation and application of Liberato direction - held that DFM conflated second and third limbs of Liberato direction and therefore did not in fact apply the direction - error of law - …
Private R Army v Chief of Army [2022] ADFDAT 1
DEFENCE AND WAR – appeal against conviction by Defence Force Magistrate – whether verdict was unreasonable or could not be supported, having regard to the evidence – whether in all the circumstances of the case the verdict was unsafe or unsatisfactory – where appellant alleges various inconsistencies and implausibilities in the evidence before the …
- Private R Army v Chief of Army [2021] ADFDAT 2
Howieson v Chief of Army [2021] ADFDAT 1
DEFENCE AND WAR - appeal from a General Court Martial - where the appellant was found guilty of prejudicial conduct per s 60(1) of the Defence Force Discipline Act 1982 (Cth) - where the prosecution had adduced tendency evidence to the effect that the appellant had a tendency to expose his penis to female members of the Papua New Guinea Defence…
Mikus v Chief of Army [2020] ADFDAT 1
DEFENCE AND WAR - appeal from a Defence Force Magistrate (DFM) - where the appellant was found guilty of assaulting a subordinate - Defence Force Discipline Act 1982 (Cth) (DFDA), s 34 - whether the reasons of the DFM for conviction were adequate - nature and source of obligation of a DFM to give reasons - Defence Force Discipline Appeals Act 1955 …
Boyson v Chief of Army [2019] ADFDAT 2
DEFENCE AND WAR - application for an extension of time to appeal from a General Court Martial ("GCM") - where the applicant was found guilty of one count of sexual intercourse without consent - whether the GCM's verdict was unreasonable and could not be supported by the evidence - whether the GCM's verdict was unsafe or unsatisfactory - where the…
McCleave v Chief of Navy [2019] ADFDAT 1
DEFENCE AND WAR – appeal from a decision of a Defence Force Magistrate – abuse of process – where appellant admitted to offences under s 56(4) of the Defence Force Discipline Act 1982 (Cth) – where admissions were made after the appellant received representations within his chain of command that he would not be prosecuted – whether representations …